“We ought to keep pushing the boundaries to get to flawless execution. Flawless is the ultimate goal.”
- Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi
Chairperson and CEO, PepsiCo
- Be You – Nooyi wore a sari to her second job interview and got the job, a perfect example of following who you really are and how you should express yourself. She has never done anything she strongly felt against, under her leadership PepsiCo was driven to a more health conscious agenda. Hence, teaches us that our ideas are necessary for progress.
- I can and I will- From Tootal textiles to PepsiCo, her journey was helped only by her determination to move forward and uncompromising attitude towards her quality of work, her rigorous schedules and perseverance achieved her the position and trust Indra has now, proving that there is no shortcut to success.
- Compete to improve– Indra knows that competition is a must for progress, as is the case with the rivalry between PepsiCo and Coke. Competition forces you to improve hence she teaches us to constantly strive for challenges.
- Be a kind to all – Nooyi has a formula for maintaining a work-life balance, she attributes a lot of her company’s success to her employees, to keep a company running at its prime she believes it is important to be able to attract good employees. This is only possible if you treat them how they want to be treated like, like an extended family. Indra Nooyi has built a family team at PepsiCo, Hence she also teaches us the difference between a boss and a leader.
- Do not forget who you are– The humble beginnings that Indra came from still linger around in her house where she stays with her husband and daughters, an image of Ganesha sits in her office, the “diya” in her puja room is always lit, the shoes have to come off while entering her house. She says she can walk away from being a corporate person but can’t walk away from being a mom, her family comes first and. Indra Nooyi may be a strategist at the office but at home she’s just at utter peace.