Mom!!! You are just awesome. You are always there whenever and whatever I need you for. Thank you GOD for blessing me with such a wonderful mother.
I think everyone of us has felt the same so many times in so many ways and still continue to do. Sometimes I wonder what makes our MOMs such enthusiastically powerful to solve any problem of the world so easily for us. What keeps her going all through day and night without expressing any feeling of fatigue or worry in her attempt of keeping the family happy together?
MOM…Were you born like a POWER GIRL? Can I be ever like you?
And I tell myself ‘why not, after all I am a GIRL, a LADY, a WOMAN who is the most powerful species, race, gender’!!!
We become the world’s best cook for our family; who is generously disposed to prepare any item requested 24×7 by our loved ones. This gives us immense pleasure and satisfaction. With our knowhow of traditional household remedies, we take care of health concerns of our family members; successfully managing majority of the domestic urgencies and common ailments. At times, we become the best friend, teacher, coach, and mentor to our family. We are the one who drives the family, in fact the society and nation as well. Our commitment at work place makes us the role models and take leadership roles. We use our knowledge; skill and talent dedicatedly to contribute to the nation’s development. Even after managing everything , we even manage to stay calm, look beautiful and keep up the apt blend of humour, decency and assertiveness to handle every situation.
GIRLS, LADIES, WOMEM you are just nonpareil !! You should do whatever you love to do and not because you are expected to….