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Is my boyfriend cheating on me?

Shout HereCategory: Love & RelationshipIs my boyfriend cheating on me?
Bhavna Saini asked 8 years ago

I have been dating my boyfriend since 3 months now, and i feel he is the one, and I would like to spend my whole life with him. But since 2 weeks now he isn’t talking properly, reverts are minimal, although he is online at night he wouldn’t message me, if i text i get late reverts. What does that mean? He isn’t interested as he was before? HELP!!! 

1 Answers
prajakta answered 8 years ago

you may not feel stressed as you cant just decide on few days of neglect. Try and speak with him or spend some quality time with him. Its 12 months in total only less than a year you know each other out of 12 2 weeks he is neglecting….I think u guys moved too fast in relationship…spending time together a bit will help u understand a bit more….relax…world is big and u will have many on the way ahead…enjoy life